P.201 Habeas Corpus Act (1679) P.214 BILL OF RIGHTS (1689) P.218 The Statute of Anne (1710) P.221 Witchcraft Act of 1736 P.223 MARRIAGE AND LIFE EXPECTANCY,HARDWICKE’S MARRIAGE ACT 1753 P.227 The Case of JAMES SOMMERSETT, a Negro, on a Habeas Corpus, King's Bench: 12 GEORGE III. P.177 LEVIATHAN (Excerpts) By Thomas Hobbes 1651 P.201 The Declaration of Breda, (1660) P.202 Charles II, 1662, An Act for preventing the frequent Abuses in printing seditious treasonable and unlicensed Bookes and Pamphlets and for regulating of Printing and Printing Presses. JOHN MILTON 1644 For the Liberty of UNLICENC'D PRINTING, To the PARLAMENT of ENGLAND. P.153 The Root and Branch Petition (1640) P.157 June, 1643, An Ordinance for the Regulating of Printing. P.84 WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE, Titus Andronicus P.137 The King's Majesty's Declaration to His Subjects Concerning Lawful Sports to Be Used (1633) P.141 The Petition of Right 1628 P.143 A DECREE OF STAR CHAMBER CONCERNING PRINTING. P.82 John STUBBS, The Discovery of a Gaping Gulf Whereinto England is like to be Swallowed by Another French Marriage, if the Lord Forbid Not the Banes, by Letting Her Majesty See the Sin and Punishment Thereof.

(P 4 Preliminary Note P.5 Table of Contents P.9 Charter of Liberties of Henry I, 1100 P.11 Magna Carta, The Great Charter of English liberty granted (under considerable duress) by King John at Runnymede on JP.17 Medieval Torture and Punishment P.29 The 10 Most Gruesome Torture Techniques From Medieval Europe P.36 THE CHARTER OF KURUKAN FUGA (1235-1236) (By SIRIMAN KOUYATE) P.39 William Wallace (1272 – 23 August 1305) P.39 Blind Harry’s Wallace, by William Hamilton of Gilbertfield, introduction by Elspeth King and Illustrations by Owain Kirby, reviewed by Sharma Krauskopf and rated P.42 UTOPIA, Sir Thomas MORE P.79 Stationers Company Charter Granted by Philip and Mary and confirmed by Elizabeth I. This Kindle volume contains a lot of complementary resources on various legal aspects or national systems necessary to assess the future of Copyright in the world. I would advise you to get to this Kindle volume launched on March 15, 2017. These commentaries and presentations contain about 154,000 words with a 5,740-word synthetic introduction as compared to 443,000 words in this volume of documents.

TABLE OF CONTENTS The commentaries and presentations that are published separately in a Kindle edition represent in size about 40% of the size of this volume of documents.